Your Worst Enemies, Part Four480 F 268524063 pAzLsZGWk0G3lpVluOvCbOYtR1Ja4glk e1699194757937

You might find it hard to believe that certain people really want to hold you down or ruin your life. But when you identify and remove their influence, you feel relief, new energy and a feeling of joy.

Part One, Part Two and Part Three outline the first four characteristics of this enemy. With this fifth characteristic, you identify your enemies by how they make you feel.

Characteristic #5 of an Antisocial Person

“Surrounding such a personality we find cowed* or ill associates or friends who, when not driven actually insane, are yet behaving in a crippled manner in life, failing, not succeeding.” — L. Ron Hubbard (*cowed: intimidated, frightened)

20 Feelings Caused by Antisocial Personalities

You feel . . .

  1. Afraid
  2. Intimidated
  3. Crippled
  4. Failing
  5. Stressed
  6. Violent
  7. Depressed
  8. Sick
  9. Clumsy
  10. Indecisive480 F 646500430 UJPc6Mo7QO1uRXaV3zuynrudoENaTzmH
  11. Unstable
  12. Frustrated
  13. Revengeful
  14. Stopped
  15. Getting worse
  16. Overwhelmed
  17. Disinterested
  18. Angry
  19. Insane
  20. Worst of all, you feel a desire to attack or hurt good people. For example, Hitler convinced kind Germans to be violent criminals and murderers.

Fortunately, you can escape the influence of antisocial people.

In fact, when antisocials have NO INFLUENCE on you, they look silly. You see what they are trying to do and can have a good laugh.

Characteristic #5 of a Social Person

“The friends and associates of a social personality tend to be well, happy and of good morale*.” — L. Ron Hubbard (*morale: mental feeling or condition)
Social people make you feel happy, healthy and wise!

10 Signs of Social Personalities

Social people give you positive feelings.

  1. They lift your spirits and make you feel optimistic.
  2. They help you increase your productivity.
  3. You feel motivated to do good things.
  4. They recommend win-win solutions.
  5. They make you and others look good.
  6. They make you feel sane and healthy.
  7. They celebrate your successes and are never jealous.
  8. They do not like antisocial people.
  9. You feel powerful.
  10. They make you want to help them and their good causes.


Use your feelings to help you identify your worst enemies.

  1. Pay attention to your moods and feelings.
  2. Whenever you feel worse, review what just happened? Who were you just talking to?
  3. Look at the two lists above. How does the person make you feel? How does this person act?
  4. When you discover a person in your life is antisocial, stop believing or trusting this person. Take better control of your feelings. Eliminate his or her influence over you.
  5. When you see how most people are social, you might realize your world is actually quite safe. You can trust most people. Constantly improve your relationships with all social people.

By following these steps, you will enjoy feelings of joy and relief. You release your success potential and feel new power.

Next, “Your Worst Enemies, Part Five.”

Watch this terrific video about antisocial people.