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We have all made bad decisions. They waste our time, energy and money. They hurt our families, our groups and our reputations. One bad decision can even cause a lifetime of suffering.

What can we do to make correct decisions?

Learn how to see into the future! It’s a skill you can master.

The Inability to Think in Sequence

If you see the results of your decisions, you make better ones. Criminals cannot do this.

“This is a consequence. ‘If you saw off the limb you are sitting on you will of course fall.’

“Police try to bring this home often to people who have no concept of sequence; so the threat of punishment works well on well-behaved citizens and not at all on criminals since they often are criminals because they can’t think in sequence.” — L. Ron Hubbard

If you can think in sequence, you are probably not a criminal. You can see the consequences of a crime. A criminal does not think ahead very well.

By committing crimes, they ruin their lives and the lives of their victims. They end up in hiding or in prison. If they knew how to see into the future, they would not commit crimes. They would make smarter decisions.

Even Small Crimes Have Big, Bad Consequences

People who commit small crimes do not think in sequence either. “If I take a few office supplies, no one will know.” This person does not see the nagging feeling of guilt or the possibility of getting caught, getting fired and being labeled a criminal. This person does not realize that the risks far outweigh the tiny benefit.

Breaking your agreements at work is another way you lose by not thinking ahead. For example, to get a sales commission, you violate a company policy and promise things the company cannot deliver. The company then has angry customers and lawsuits.

Breaking agreements with your spouse, friends and family members can also have bad consequences. For example, you agree to pick up a child at school. You decide you have just enough time to go have a beer after work and forget about the child for hours.

Five Reasons People Cannot Think Aheadsa hb tn

1. They prioritize immediate gains or emotions over long-term repercussions.

For example, a murderer may only think about revenge. He does not see beyond the death of the person he hates. He does not think about living in hiding or in prison for life.

2. They underestimate the risks; they believe they can get away with their crime.

For example, an accountant thinks she is smarter than her clients and works out ways to steal thousands from them. She underestimates her clients intelligence and does not think about the accountants, consultants and lawyers who are very smart. Sooner or later, she gets caught and loses everything.

3. Their peers pressure them to select the wrong choices.

For example, you believe loud big-talking “winners” who use you to increase their own power, fame and wealth. They are so persuasive, you end up wasting thousands of dollars and months of time with little in return.

4. If they are drinking or using drugs, they cannot think very well. They can’t see the consequences of criminal decisions.

For example, alcoholics and drug addicts have to focus on their next high. If they looked into the future, they would see damage to their bodies, financial ruin, family losses and a failed life. Alcohol and drugs also prevent them from thinking clearly.

5. Perhaps the biggest reason of all: they believe they cannot earn an honest income. They lie, cheat or steal to get what they want. They do not have the knowledge, responsibility or control to earn the money they need.

A criminal robs a store for $500 without thinking it through. If he is gets the money and is not caught right away, he must keep his crime a secret. His life is no longer open and happy. For just $500, he ruins his life and reduces his chances for success.

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You can constantly improve your ability to think ahead. It’s a vital success skill.

You can do this with in the same five, but opposite ways, of a criminal.

1. Give priority to the long-term results of your decisions. Give little or no priority to immediate gains or emotions.

For example, you see the long-term results of saving money. While it might feel good to spend all of your pay expensive meals, or use a credit card for the latest phone, you hurt your financial future. So you make a good decision to focus on your financial future. You become grateful for your health meals at home and the power of your old phone while saving half of your income for something big.

2. Examine all risks involved in your paths. Ensure you can easily experience the worst consequences that may occur. If you are willing to take on these downsides, they may never occur.

For example, you want to start a new café. You list all the potential risks and think, “I can handle these risks. I have a plan for each one. I’m going ahead with this café!”

3. Connect with successful people and peers who agree with your positive, constructive choices. Help them succeed and they will do the same for you.

Disconnect from liars, cheaters and criminals. If you let them, they will motivate you to make bad decisions that ruin your future.

4. Do not drink or use drugs. If your mind is clean, you can think ahead with clarity and see the future.

For example, once you stop drinking or using drugs completely, you think a bit better every day. Your decisions improve. If you also clean out your body with a purification program, you can become a brilliant genius!

5. Constantly increase your ability to earn money so you never need to consider bad financial decisions.

For example, if you want $500, you work at a job. Even at $13.00 per hour, it only takes two weeks to take home $500. You can spend it however you like, no stress, no secrets, no risks.

Increase your service capacity until you earn more than you can spend! It’s a powerful way to guarantee your financial success and earn the freedom to  play any game you wish to play.

Eight Benefits

When you have the skill to think with sequences, you enjoy these benefits.

1. You regret nothing. Your decisions turn out to be brilliant.

2. You live with little risk. Nothing is threatening to hurt you. You are free to succeed.

3. You have nothing to hide. No one is trying to find and punish you.

4. You never get into legal messes. No one can successfully sue you. You cannot be convicted of anything.

5. People can trust you and believe you when you make promises and agreements.

6. You enjoy good personal PR. No one has reason to criticize you. You have a great reputation.

7. Your money is yours. No one can claim it is theirs. You can earn as much as you like.

8. Your future is awesome!

Learn more about seeing into the future by reading (or rereading) The Way to Happiness, especially principles 9, 13 and 14.