Success Tips Slideshow: 10 Ways to Make Others Happier

See the Five Uses below the slideshow.

Be a Social Personality
1. Be Social, Never Antisocial

Find the good in everything. Point out the positive aspects of a person or situation. Emphasize, even embellish, the good news.

Replace bad news, criticisms and horror stories with good news, compliments and success stories.

Give people hope, support their dreams and encourage them to win.

Five Uses

1. You care about someone who is doing poorly.

You swipe through the slides until you see a tip that might make this person happier. You give it a try. If it works, you repeat it. If it does not work, you try another until the person is happier.

2. You are in a meeting that is not going well for you.

You look at a few slides until you see a way to make the people in the meeting happier. Once you make the people happier, the meeting goes much better for everyone.

3. You and a spouse or friend are not doing well together.

Your relationship is getting worse. You review all the slides, pick one that you believe might improve the relationship and give it a try. You persist until the relationship improves.

4. You need someone’s help, cooperation or support.

Instead of just pushing them to do what you want, you find a way to make this person happier. If he or she does not cooperate or give you the support you need, you find another tip and another until the person is much happier. Sooner or later, you get what you need or want from the person.

5. Your own mood needs a boost.

Every chance you get, you make someone happier. You get faster and better at this important people skill until everyone around you becomes happier just because they see you. YOUR life becomes a joy.