Present-Time Power Slideshow


To be happy, powerful and successful, you need to focus on present time. You need to BE in present time.

The following slides describe 20 ways you can get focused on present time. Use them to free up your attention from the past, dissolve your fears about the future and enjoy your life in the present.

Try each tip to see which ones work best for you. Repeat them to constantly sharpen your present-time focus and power.

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1. Look Around
1. Look Around

Focus on the present time moment by looking around you. Look up, look down, look all around.

Notice how everything you see is in present time.

Look around you as if nothing else exists. There is no past, no future, no thinking, just present time.

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2. Take One Step
2. Take One Step

You make better progress toward a goal by looking at the step in front of you. Focus exclusively on this single step.

Do not think about past steps. Ignore the next steps. Don't think about the goal.

As you do the task, think about nothing else. Give it 100% of your attention.

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3. Do Nothing
3. Do Nothing

Focus on the present by doing little or nothing at all. Just stop all activity and relax.

Do not think or plan. Do not remember anything. Have no emotion.

Simply experience the present moment as it is.

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4. Lighten Up
4. Lighten Up

Don’t be so serious.

Disconnect from the past. Don't worry about the future. Just have fun and you'll be in present time.

Life is just a game. Be here now and play it to win!

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5. Be Here, Not There
5. Be Here, Not There

Do you wish you were somewhere else else? If so, this causes stress for you.

Change your mind and decide it’s completely okay with you to be right here, right now.

The stress and desire to be elsewhere vanishes once you move all of your attention into present time.

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6. Listen to Silence
6. Listen to Silence

Pay attention to the quiet spots between sounds. If your space or mind is full of noise, notice the moments of silence that are also in there.

Silence is in present time. When you hear it, you are also in present time.

With practice, the silence becomes interesting and soothing. You are then in present time.

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7. Tidy Up
7. Tidy Up

The physical world is always in the here and now. You enjoy it more when it is clean and orderly.

Spend some time with your possessions. Wash them, organize them and get rid of all clutter.

Totally immerse yourself into the physical universe and enjoy the present moment.

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8. Watch the Parade of Time
8. Watch the Parade of Time

Instead of you moving through time, sit in present time and watch the world move in front of you.

Pretend you are a king or queen sitting on your throne. Everything and everyone parades in front of you. You simply sit on your throne in present time.

As the king or queen of your world, you observe and interact with these life activities, as you wish. Your position in time is always NOW.

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9. Forgive, Forget, Move On, Succeed
9. Forgive, Forget, Move On

You may feel negative emotions from memories of people who made you angry, sad, fearful or apathetic.

If you forgive these people, privately to yourself, you can free yourself from their influence. You can take one simple step to eliminate the negative feelings.

Mentally forgive them and wish them well so you can move on to a better life in present time.

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10. Get Closer to Nature
10. Get Closer to Nature

Everything in nature, including all animals and plants, are always in present time.

They are not burdened by emotional baggage, worries about the future or obsessive thinking.

Watching, enjoying and interacting with nature is a wonderful way to bring your focus into the present and improve your mood.

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11. Get Someone Else Into Present Time
11. Get Someone Else Into Present Time

The moment you help someone focus on present time, you magically arrive in the present moment, as well.

Three examples:

1. “Jill, did you notice the sky? What color IS that?”
2. “Hi Jack, I like that tie. Does it feel like silk?”
3. “Okay, team. Let's wake up now. Everyone clap five times. Good. Do it again but LOUDER!"

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12. Use Your Senses
12. Use Your Senses

Use any of your senses to get focused on present time.

For example, eat a delicious, healthy snack. Carefully taste it. Savor each individual flavor. Slowly chew and swallow it. Enjoy everything about it.

Listen to sounds, focus on smells, feel objects, gaze at objects, enjoy everything around you.

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13. Remind Yourself
13. Remind Yourself

Set up a phone or computer notification to remind you to focus on present time. It can be every hour or at random times.

Have it ask you, “How am I doing?” or “Where is your attention” or “Hey Joe! Focus on present time buddy.”

A regular reminder can be a terrific way to master this skill.

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14. Turn Boring Waits Into Joyful Experiences
14. Turn Boring Waits Into Joyful Experiences

You can enjoy waiting in traffic, waiting for your turn and waiting on others if you turn them into present-time opportunities.

When you have to wait, look at the world as if you are seeing it for the first time. Persist until you feel wonderful.

Use this with all tedious tasks, like recovering in bed, exercising or sitting in a boring meeting. You may never be bored again.

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15. Forgive Yourself
15. Forgive Yourself

If your attention gets stuck on a mistake or bad act you have done, forgive yourself.

Say to yourself “I made the best decision I could, at that time. I did what I did. I have no excuses. I forgive myself."

Decide what you will now do differently. Focus on present time and do it.

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16. Remove Your Hats
16. Remove Your Hats

You wear many hats: work hat, home hat, parent hat, party hat, cleaning hat, financial hat, etc.

If you wear a hat or two that are not needed right now, you lose your focus.

To focus on present time, wear just ONE hat at a time.

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17. Get Physical
17. Get Physical

Do something that snaps you into present time.

For example, a cold shower, rock climbing, practicing a sport, performing a difficult procedure, playing a musical instrument, speaking to a group, Samurai sword fighting, etc.

Immediately after the activity shifts your attention in the present, keep it there for as long as you can after the event is over.

18. Heart and Lungs
18. Heart and Lungs

Concentrate on your breathing or heartbeat or both. After several minutes, your attention arrives in present time.

If your mind wanders off, refocus on your breath or heart.

This method works not because of some magical quality, but because your body is always in the present.

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19. Respond with Sanity
19. Respond with Sanity

Most people automatically react to bad things that happen to them. They back away in fear, get angry or feel crazy.

So when you are faced with a difficult situation, quickly focus on present time. Instead of allowing a negative emotion to take over, say to yourself, “Wait! I need to focus on present time before I act.”

As a result, you are calm and alert. You deal with the situation in a positive, sane way. (See article below.)

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20. Solve a Problem
20. Solve a Problem

When you are not sure what to do about a problem, take a break. Focus your attention on present time instead.

Enjoy being in present time. Avoid thinking. Don't worry.

A terrific solution appears on its own.

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Power Is in the PresentNow

Do you constantly think about the future? Does tomorrow seem uncertain or scary? Are you worried how things will turn out?

Do you dwell on old decisions? Do people from your past still affect you? Are you constantly thinking of accidents, attacks or injuries?

If so, you might feel a little nutty. You are missing the parts of life that are happening right now!

Instant Sanity

When you are in good condition, you are focused on the here and now. You are aware of the present. Your thoughts and attention are neither in the past nor in the future.

“The very, very sane confront the present entirely and have very little concern for the future, being competent enough in handling the present to let the future take care of itself.” — L. Ron Hubbard

The purpose of the slideshow (above) is to help you shift your attention into present time and stay there whenever you like. No matter what is going on, you master the skill to make yourself sane, smart and happy.

The more you focus on present time, the easier it gets. At first, your attention may only be in present time for a few seconds. But each time you use that tip, you stay in present time for a few seconds longer and then a full minute, and then even more.

Once you are focused on present time most of the time, you become unstoppable! You start completing difficult tasks and important duties more easily. You discover new solutions to old problems. You bring out the best of YOU exactly when YOU are needed.


Set a goal to live in present time.

Work on it every day or every hour and you experience steady progress.

You can snap your attention into the present with just a quick decision and enjoy that state of mind for longer periods of time.

Reaching this goal may be easier than you think.


Additional material on sharpening your focus: “Focus Power,” “Focus Power, Part Two” and the “Focus Power Workbook.” For advanced study, read Chapter Six “Present Time” in Science of Survival by L. Ron Hubbard.