Your Worst Enemies are Stupid480 F 264942245 w3GfBuPEGqMdgrRVPpAfDSgRiOk4akUN e1717343036360

In addition to the characteristics described in “Your Worst Enemies” Parts One, Two, Three and Four, another way to identify your worst enemies is by their ridiculous conclusions.

Antisocial Suppressive People (SPs) hide their evil plans and actions with misdirection. They blame incorrect reasons for things. If you examine their logic, it makes no sense, but they somehow make you believe they are right.

Wrong Targets

“The antisocial personality habitually selects the wrong target.” — L. Ron Hubbard

Because you are a social person, you pick correct targets. For example, if you and a friend go to your car and see a tire is flat, you change the tire. Even though this makes you late for an appointment, you don’t kick your car or yell at your friend. You change the tire.

Unfortunately, you see examples of wrong targets every day:

  • The driver behind you blames you for making him late for work.
  • The patient, who smokes, blames his doctor for his lung cancer.
  • A woman, who can’t pay her bills, blames her boss.

bad doctor 002 Psychiatrists get bad results with patients because they are trained to select suppressive reasons for mental problems. If you believe their stupid reasons, you NEVER improve. They say things like,

  • “You can’t hold a job because you have a brain disease. We may need to operate.”
  • “Your fears and stress are caused by a chemical imbalance. Just take these pills for the rest of your life.”
  • “After hours of evaluation, my associates and I have concluded you’re depressed because you once saw your father’s penis. You’ll need years of weekly therapy appointments.”

Prejudice and biased views are obvious examples of stupid, wrong targets.

  • “Gay neighbors are a threat to my marriage.”
  • “I can’t get a job because of immigrants.”
  • “The _____s are trying to take over our country.”

War, murder and terrorism are, of course, wrong targets. Killing people resolves nothing. Yet antisocial people actually claim murder is good. And people believe them!

Hitler, of course, was the master of wrong targets. He proclaimed that Jews and other minority groups were the cause of Germany’s financial problems, so they needed to be exterminated. Millions of Germans accepted and supported this insane idea. Nazis made them afraid not to support Hitler.

Ten Ways an SP’s Stupidity Can Hurt You

  1. They blame you for their problems and you believe them. “If you weren’t so weak, I’d be much happier right now.” 
  2. When they fail, they use their “logic” to convince everyone they are successful. “Just because I can’t pay my rent doesn’t mean I’m broke. Just give me $10,000 and I’ll give you $20,000 in a few weeks.”
  3. They love to blame the government for their failures. “Thanks to state law, all restaurants are going bankrupt, not just mine. Yours is next.”
  4. They target others for their lack of responsibility. “All three of my divorces were caused by their laziness. Anyway, want to go on a date?”
  5. If you confront them with their lies, they target you. “How can you say I’m dishonest! That’s ridiculous. I’m starting to believe the rumors about you.”
  6. If you work for the same smart boss, they attack your boss as they’re afraid of anyone with power. “We have the worst boss in history. Let’s ruin that jerk!”
  7. They hurt producers, like you, with stupid rules. “Homeless people must be allowed to sleep on the ground in front of your building.”
  8. They bring out the worst in you. For example, you get angry and target someone you love, and then realize your mistake. “Hey, I’m sorry I yelled at you and the kids. I’ve got to get Joe out of my life. He’s driving me nuts!”
  9. They target your loved ones, your business and even your church. “I’m not sure you should marry that man.” “Do you really think people will buy seaweed snacks from you?” “Let me tell you what I’ve heard about that so-called Church.”
  10. They use fear to control you. “I’m glad you finally agree with me so I don’t have to kick you out of my group. Let’s go ruin those jerks, okay?”

Ten Ways Hitting Correct Targets Help You Succeed480 F 49772428 XwAebTkLGbPh57zLaWqgTfip1k59ZAIw

Because SPs are bad at hitting accurate targets, they rarely hit correct targets. You succeed when you hit accurate targets like these.

  1. Your business succeeds because you find the correct reasons behind your business problems. “We don’t have any new customers because we stopped advertising.”
  2. You help your family members with correct answers. “Hey kids, I think we’ll get along better if we play board games after dinner instead of using our devices all night.”
  3. You make more money. “The problem with my income is not taxes, immigrants or even my competitors. I just need to produce more high-quality services, every day, for a month.”
  4. You are happier. “That’s it on the nightly news! It’s why I feel afraid to live in this city. I’m going to plant some flowers instead.”
  5. You help people with correct reasons. “Joe, the reason you can’t find a wife is your fear of rejection. Can I help you? Great. Pretend to ask me for a date and I’ll reject you. If we do this enough times, the fear will reduce. Ready?”
  6. You have a stronger marriage. “Jeb, we didn’t start to argue until my nasty ex-husband started dropping by. Let’s not let him in the door again, okay?”
  7. Those above you help you succeed because you identify correct targets. “Hey boss, I have some statistics you need to see. I also have a plan that won’t cost us a dime.”
  8. Instead of getting angry, you find the correct problems. “Why won’t this door close? Ah, I see. The hinge screws are loose.”
  9. You can make it on your own. “I’ll never start my own plumbing company if I constantly organize. The correct target step is to get new customers. It’s time to send emails and make some calls!”
  10. You are healthier. “I can’t blame my parents for my bad diet habits. After all, I’m 40! Time to accept responsibility and break my sugar habit.”

Six Steps to End the Insanity

  1. Write down a condition or problem that is not going well for you. Anything at all.
  2. Look for potential SPs behind the bad condition. Review “Your Worst Enemies” Parts One, Two, Three and Four to help you identify such people.
  3. If you find an SP, handle or disconnect from the SP.
    1. To handle, you can point out their wrong targets. “Oh, c’mon Don. That’s stupid. Those guys have nothing to do with our low income.”
    2. If you need to disconnect, do it slowly and carefully. “Sorry Don, but we need a new direction here, and may not need your help.”
  4. If removing, handling or disconnecting an SP is not the solution, look for potential wrong targets related to the condition or problem you want to improve. “Am I being stupid? Am I selecting a wrong target here?”
  5. Find the correct targets behind the condition or problem. How will you know you have the correct targets?
    1. You know exactly what to do to fix the problem.
    2. It makes sense to you and everyone involved.
    3. Most importantly of all, THE BAD CONDITION IMPROVES.
  6. Persist until you find the correct target.

The sun will rise, the birds will sing and you will feel terrific.
