The Power of SPEEDPower of Speed

Being a powerful person does not require you to have a big body, physical strength or a loud voice. You don’t need an important title, popularity or wealth.

You can increase your personal power in many ways, by yourself, including an important discovery most people have never heard about. You increase personal power with speed.


To understand and use this power technique, let’s break down this idea with these definitions.

  • Rapidity: Speediness; being fast or rapid.
  • Particle: Tiny pieces or parts.
  • Flow: Smooth, continuous movement or motion.
  • Particle Flow: Movement of small things.

Now read this quote again to understand how to increase your power: “THE RAPIDITY OF PARTICLE FLOW ALONE DETERMINES POWER.” — L. Ron Hubbard

In other words, the faster you make things go, the more power you control!

For example, Roger is a very fast carpenter. When he builds something, like a shed, he quickly moves his particles: tools, wood, nails, his hands and his mind. He is focused and fast. Roger can build a small, perfect shed in three hours while other carpenters take all day. Roger earns twice as much money than other carpenters and he has more fun. Everyone wants Roger to work for them. He has power.

Maddi the Fastest BookkeeperAs another example, Maddi decides to become the fastest bookkeeper in her office. She figures out how to enter more client data per day than anyone else, and she never makes mistakes. Maddi gets promoted to train the bookkeepers. She not only trains them quickly, she helps find and fix other bookkeeper mistakes, and she does this faster than her boss. Maddi earns a reputation as the fastest and best bookkeeper in the company. She is offered more training and management opportunities than anyone else. Maddi has power.

Ten Ways to Boost Your Personal Power with Speed

  1. Push yourself to walk faster, talk faster, read faster and move faster. Set a good example for others.
  2. Jump into projects as fast possible. Needless delay is your enemy.
  3. Send and return communications with as little delay as possible.
  4. Whenever you think something can’t be done quickly, ask “Why not?” Kick open the door to speed.
  5. Set tough deadlines for completing tasks and make them. Believe in your ability to work faster than ever.
  6. When making decisions, always ask “Which option is fastest?”
  7. Remove people or things that stop you from moving quickly. They are not helping you.
  8. Constantly look for faster methods to get your same result. If you look, you will find them.
  9. Challenge yourself by taking on more work than ever and getting it done in less time than ever. You are tougher than you think.
  10. Act quickly on opportunities. If you see what you want, jump on it before you lose the chance.

Six Action Steps to Boost Your SpeedSix Steps to Increase Your Speed

  1. Pick a job, duty or task you need to do.
  2. Write down the benefits you will enjoy if you could do it faster. How would you be more powerful?
  3. Use your imagination. See yourself going much faster. Have a daydream and watch yourself get it done faster than ever,
  4. How will you act when you operate with speed? What will you be doing differently? What changes would you make? Make a list.
  5. Imagine enjoying the benefits you listed above. Look at yourself smiling with satisfaction because of your new speed.
  6. Start! Make these changes! Boost your speed! Increase your power!

Read more ways to increase your personal power.

15 Benefits from Increasing Your Personal Speed

Benefits of Personal Speed

When you increase the rapidity of your particle flow, you create several benefits for yourself.

  1. Increased Productivity and Income
    When you move faster, you can accomplish more tasks in a shorter time, boosting your overall productivity.
  2. Seized Opportunities
    Speed allows you to act on opportunities before they disappear, whether it’s a business deal, a job offer, or a personal opportunity.
  3. Improved Focus
    Speed forces you to do what you are doing when you are doing it. When you decide to move quickly, you’re less likely to get distracted. Your attention shifts to present time and you operate with more power.
  4. Competitive Advantages
    In business, speed makes your customers happier with you than they are with your competitors. You also win by offering new services and products before everyone else.
  5. Build Momentum
    Acting quickly creates momentum, helping you establish a fast pace forward, making each next step easier.
  6. Reduced Stress
    When tasks are done quickly, you reduce the mental clutter of unfinished work and the stress of looming deadlines.
  7. Greater Flexibility
    When you complete things quickly, you have more time to handle bad and good surprises.
  8. Higher Efficiency
    You discover or create more efficient ways of doing your work while cutting out unnecessary steps.
  9. Faster Skill Development
    When you focus on speed, you master new skills in less time. You can then use these skills to succeed.
  10. Increased Confidence
    Moving quickly and getting things done builds your confidence. You know how fast you can go and how much you can quickly accomplish. Your personal power rises to new levels.
  11. Mistakes and Disasters are Less Damaging
    Instead of suffering and feeling sorry for yourself, you take fast action. You handle the problems, take action to prevent them from happening again and get back to your jobs.
  12. Meeting Deadlines
    You can promise and deliver more than ever before. Because you have more speed, deadlines are easier to meet with less time, even ahead of schedule.
  13. Increased Personal Satisfaction
    You enjoy personal pride and validation when you can complete your tasks faster than ever.
  14. Greater Influence and Leadership Potential
    People who get more done in less time earn respect. They are seen as decisive and action-oriented. These qualities lead to higher positions of power.
  15. More Time and Money for Fun
    When you “do it now” and complete your tasks ASAP, you can enjoy your favorite activities and peace of mind.

Business Power from Speed

Business SpeedSpeed of particle flow determines the power and success of a business. The faster the business’ particles (service, sales, payment acceptance, delivery and support) the more prosperous it becomes.

For example, Amazon, Apple, SpaceX, Google, Netflix and OpenAI lead their industries because they are incredibly fast. Their leaders and teams make fast decisions, fast improvements to their operations and fast delivery of their products and services.

As a result, we all enjoy benefits like these.

  1. Fast information.
    You want some information NOW. Do you go to a library? Or do you do a Google search or ask an AI chatbot?
  2. Fast entertainment.
    You want to watch old wonderful old move, read or listen to a new book or get the newest game? Thanks to the internet and online businesses, you have what you want in seconds.
  3. Fast shopping.
    You want to buy a new device, a bottle of vitamins, a warm hat or box of nails. Thanks to online shopping and fast shipping, you can buy almost anything you want and spend more time doing anything else you love to do.
  4. Fast travel.
    You want to visit another country across the ocean. Do you book passage on a ship and travel for a few weeks to get there? Of course not, you jump on an airplane. Speed gives you and the airlines a great deal of power.
  5. Fast financial management.
    Instead of driving to your bank and waiting in line, you go online to make deposits, transfer funds and pay bills instantly.
  6. Fast education.
    You can take online courses on any subject. Many of them are free. You can start your education immediately. Speed gives you the power to learn new skills.

Five Reasons to Slow Down

Speed v PrioritiesYou can create problems for yourself if you go TOO fast.

  1. You skip quality and detail.
    When your task requires precision and accuracy, too much speed can lead to critical mistakes. For example, doctors, engineers, lawyers and financial managers should pay close attention to details, but can also do their jobs perfectly while going fast.
  2. You make impulsive decisions that hurt you.
    Quick decisions without considering your purpose and all the relevant information can lead to long-term negative outcomes. Instead, quickly gather all the information and take your time on the decision.
  3. You do not make progress toward your goals.
    Speed can make you focus only on short-term gains rather than long-term accomplishment. If you move too fast, you can skip important steps or miss opportunities for better paths. Start by creating a terrific plan and then kick butt!
  4. You cause effects others cannot easily experience.
    Rapid responses or decisions during stressful situations can lead to misunderstandings or hurt feelings. For example, you send a hasty email without considering its tone or rushing through a conversation without listening to the other person. As a result, you lose the person’s support until you repair the upset, so quickly fix the problem so you can continue moving with speed.
  5. You might create confusion.
    If speed becomes the highest priority for everything, you can actually hurt your productivity. Some things should be done faster than other things. If you treat everything as urgent, you can create confusion, build stress and lose sight of your goals. Give highest priority to fast, but orderly, progress toward your goals.