How to Buy HappinessHappiness Ticket Booth

Can money make you happy?

Of course!


Well, it’s actually not the money that makes you happy, but how you use it to choose your activities, goals and challenges. Your life GAMES.

“The hard fact of this civilization is, given enough money or control you can usually buy or demand your way out of any game you don’t want to play. Thus you can keep on playing the game you do want to play.” — L. Ron Hubbard

1. Get OUT OF the Games You Hate

Imagine the relief of not being required to do things that make you unhappy.

Example: You Hate Changing Your Car OilGames You Hate

Even though you have done it dozens of times, working on your car gives you no satisfaction. You hate finding the time, dealing with the weather, crawling under your car and getting dirty. It ruins your day.

So you pay someone to change your oil while you read the latest news about artificial intelligence. The mechanic is happy and you are happy. Your money gets you out of a game you don’t want to play.

What games are you playing that you dislike?

2. Get INTO the Games You Love

Imagine getting up each morning excited to do what you want to do. How would you feel? What might you accomplish?

Example: You Want to Create Movies

You want to create movies with artificial intelligence. You are blown away to see how typing the right letters into a program can produce beautiful images, music, voices and video clips. You will be able to play a game you love: creating movies!
Games You Love
You buy your way into the game by getting time, training, computer equipment and software. If you are rich, you actively invest in these technologies. Your money gets you into a game you love.

Example: You Want to Keep Your Business Growing

You love your house painting company. You can make any home look beautiful with paint colors. You have done so well you hired 20 workers and everyone is making a lot of money. But you see an ad for another painting company that shows spectacular paint work at very low prices. One of your painters just quit to work for this other company and your business income has recently dropped as well.

So you spend money to keep playing your game. You pay someone to create before-and-after pictures of your jobs that look spectacular. You buy more ads, upgrade your website and keep your team excited. Your game becomes more enjoyable than ever before.


Even without more money or control, this amazing principle about games can make you happy with these steps.Games

  1. Write down any games you are currently playing that you DO NOT want to play.
  2. How much money or control would you need to get out of those games? Some of your options will cost you nothing.
  3. Write a plan of how you will get out of each game. Put the easiest and cheapest steps at the top of your plan.
  4. Write down the games you DO want to play.
  5. Calculate the cost or control you need to get into or stay in those games.
  6. Write a plan of how you will get into each game. You can start with steps that cost nothing, like free online courses.

You now have two pathways to happiness.


Learn more ways to play the games you love at “Life is a Game.”