How to Make Yourself HappierMood

In 1986, L. Ron Hubbard wrote a poem which is a guide to happiness.

“The Joy of Creating”

“Force yourself to smile and you’ll soon stop frowning.

“Force yourself to laugh and you’ll soon find something to laugh about.

“Wax* enthusiastic** and you’ll very soon feel so.

“A being causes his own feelings.

“The greatest joy there is in life is creating.

“Splurge on it!” — L. Ron Hubbard

(*wax: to increase in size, strength or intensity.) (**enthusiastic: having or demonstrating enthusiasm.)

Four Steps to Make Yourself Happier

1. “Force yourself to smile and you’ll soon stop frowning.”

Try this exercise.

A. Smile

B. Don’t smile

C. Smile

D. Don’t smile

E. Smile

F. Don’t smile

G. Repeat the above until you are cheerful.

Do this exercise whenever you are frowning, upset, depressed, angry, apathetic or resentful.

Try the exercise in front of a mirror for an extra boost.

2. “Force yourself to laugh and you’ll soon find something to laugh about.”

This exercise is useful when you are feeling stressed out or too serious.

A. Force a laugh.

B. If this is difficult for you to do, say, “ha ha ha ha ha.” Then say, “ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.” Then say, “he, he, he, he, he.”

C. Repeat the above until you find something to laugh about.

3. “Wax enthusiastic and you’ll very soon feel so.”

When you feel enthusiasm for a difficult task, you make better decisions, get more done in less time and produce a better result.

A. Write down a task you are avoiding or hate to do.

B. Ask yourself, “What about this task is interesting?” Write down the answer.

C. Ask yourself, “What could I be a little excited about regarding this task?” Write down the answer.

D. Ask yourself, “What could I be enthusiastic about regarding this task?” Write down the answer.

E. Repeat steps B, C and D until you feel enthusiastic about doing the task.

You might be surprised at how quickly this works.

4. “The greatest joy there is in life is creating.”

What are your greatest joys in life?

Being a parent? Starting a company? Finding new customers? Forming new relationships?

Notice how each activity creates something?

A. Write down three things you can create today.

B. Do them.

C. Notice if your day is more joyful.

The happiest individuals, families and groups are those that create things.

The most exciting goals you can have involve creating something.

In fact, all of your success is your creation.

“Splurge on it!”