How Joe Almost Ruined ChristmasTwo gifts

Joe is a great guy with a huge ego. Even though he actually is very smart, he does not know how to give gifts.

On Christmas morning, Petey, Joe’s 4-year-old son, finally gets to open his biggest present under the tree. Petey has been thinking about that big box all week and his hands shake as he unwraps it.

“A big Lego dump truck! Wow! Yay!” Petey jumps up and down and tries to open the box.

Joe grabs the box and says, “Here, let me help you.” He pulls out the instructions and says, “OK, let’s find the base. Oh, here it is. Put it right here.”

Petey says, “Okay” and does as he’s told. Joe is having a great time, but Petey looks tired and grumpy. He starts to play with the pieces and Joe says, “Hey, pay attention and watch how to do this.”

Petey suddenly throws all the Lego bricks around the house and laughs. Joe says, “Hey! Go to your room!” As Petey leaves, he tells his wife, “I can’t believe this! I give him this wonderful Lego set and he ruins it! He’s a real bad kid sometimes.”

Joe then gives his wife a beautiful red box. As she unwraps it, she says, “Wow! I’ve always wanted a new iPhone! Thank you, Joe!” Joe is also excited and says, “Here, give it to me and I’ll set it up.” She says, “No, I can do it,” but Joe insists. “I’ve done this before, and you’ll be glad I did.”

She says, “Fine” and leaves to check on Petey.

Joe has a great time setting up the phone, then wonders why his family has left him alone. “Hey you guys! Come enjoy your gifts!”

His wife says, “Petey is just lying on his bed. I want to call my family. Go ahead and do whatever you want.”

Joe calls his sister and tells her about their sad Christmas. “Why don’t they love my gifts? I even tried to help Petey put it together and to help Sheila set up her iPhone! I get no respect here.”

His older sister explains the best way to give gifts from the article “Gift Giving.”

She says, “Joe, stop being a big shot controlling jerk.” (Only his big sister talks to him this way.) “When you give someone a present, they own it. You have to give them full control of the gift. If you don’t, and if you try to stay in control of it, you ruin the entire experience. You become the bad guy.”

Joe says, “Really? But I know the best way to set up iPhones! And I’m really good at building Legos. I want to show them how so they can become as good as me. What’s wrong with that?”

His sister says, “C’mon Joe. Remember how you hated it when Dad would do that with you?”

Joe has a long pause and sighs. “Oh, right. I get it. Wow, I’ve been a jerk. Thanks sis.”

48629090916 4406ced169 cJoe grabs the iPhone, sets it back to the factory settings and gives it to Sheila.

“Sorry, here’s your phone. It’s better if you set it up the way you want it.”

Sheila’s eyes sparkle. “Oh! Okay, I will!” She hugs the phone and hugs Joe. “Thank you honey.”

Joe then picks up the Lego pieces, puts them in the box and gets Petey back in the room. “Hey Petey, I can’t figure out this Lego set. Sorry, but you’ll have to do it by yourself.”

Petey just looks at him. Joe smiles, turns and walks away.

Petey is soon hard at work. He loses interest in all of his toys except for this new Lego set. A few hours later he yells, “Mom! Dad! Come see my truck!”

Even though Joe almost ruined Christmas, he was wise enough to change his mind and truly give gifts, control and all. He makes Christmas better than ever.

Read “Gift Giving” at