About Us and How to Helpsuccess ahead

TipsForSuccess.org is a non-religious, not-for-profit volunteer organization. Its purpose is to help you succeed using tools based on the technology discovered by L. Ron Hubbard. By using these real-world success tools, you can enjoy a richer, happier and more fulfilling life.

Three Ways to Help

If you would like to give us your support, consider these options:

  1. Share individual TipsForSuccess emails or articles with your family and friends.
  2. Add TipsForSuccess links or articles to your website or on social media. See our “Reprint and Repost Information” for details.
  3. Send us your suggestions and success stories by clicking here.

Personal Note

Thanks to the discoveries of L. Ron Hubbard, we have accomplished our major goals in life. For 30 years, our management consulting and coaching group helped thousands of business owners succeed by using L. Ron Hubbard’s management technology.

NOW our goal is to help you succeed with L. Ron Hubbard’s discoveries. Because of our financial success, we can happily provide everything at TipsForSuccess.org to you for free.

We really enjoy creating and sharing the TipsForSuccess articles with anyone who wants them. We appreciate having permission from the L. Ron Hubbard Library to use his technology and share his quotes with you. We  also appreciate the comments and suggestions from TipsForSuccess subscribers.

To your success!

Mike Chatelain, Director
