Three Happiness Tips for Success The three tips below are based on The Way to Happiness by L. Ron Hubbard 1. Get Busy...
Secret of Greatness
The Secret of Greatness What makes us really great? What brings out the best that we can possibly be? Do we need to be...
How to Buy Happiness
How to Buy Happiness Can money make you happy? Of course! How? Well, it's actually not the money that makes you happy,...
5 Happiness Habits
5 Happiness Habits The happier you are, the greater your success. When you are happier, you have more energy, think...
Look Younger, Act Younger
How to Look Younger and Act Younger Long before the current popularity of "The Power of Now," "The Zone" and modern...
Goals = Pleasure
Goals = Pleasure As you know, reaching goals is essential to your success. However, did you know you can obtain a lot...
How to Break the Sugar Habit
How to Break the Sugar Habit Are you a sugar junkie? Could sugar be interfering with your success? How much sugar do...
Make it Go Right
Make it Go Right Roman general Julius Caesar liked to sail his ships into enemy territory, unload his troops and then...
The Happiness Quadrant Chart
The Happiness Quadrant Chart Is it possible for you to have a happy day? All day? Every day? Many people doubt it....
How Sheila Handled Her Bully Boss
How Sheila Handled the Office Bully Sheila dashed through the office doors, breathless and anxious. Her gaze darted...
Paradise or Hell
Paradise or Hell: The Choice is Yours What is a Postulate? Postulate: to assume, assert or decide something is true; a...
How to Handle Difficult Situations
How to Handle Difficult Situations Difficult people and nearly-impossible situations are part of everyone’s life. ...
Power in Space
The Power of Holding a Position The greater your personal power, the greater your success. "[tooltips keyword="Power"...
Control Part Six, The Four Circles of Control
Control, Part Six The Four Circles of Control Based on the earlier articles on control, you can place everything in...
Ten Mood Boosters
Ten Ways to Boost Your Mood As explained in the “Emotional Tone Scale,” the higher your tone level and better your...
Power of Imagination
The Power of Your Imagination Are you locked in a bad job, a bad marriage or bad a location? If so, you might feel...
Focus Power, Part One
Focus Power, Part One What makes you perform at your peak? What makes you happiest? When do you do your best?...
Be Sane, Have Fun!
Be Sane, Have Fun! “An individual who can freely and with a clear heart do things because they’re fun is a very sane...
You Can Laugh about Anything
You Can Laugh about Anything If you do not laugh, you are in trouble. Life is not fun for you. You take things too...
Do You Give More than You Receive?
Do You Give More than You Receive? Danny Tomas was a successful comedian, actor and producer for five decades. He...
Interested in Life?
Interested in Life? Everyone is looking for happiness. But many people make the mistake of thinking their happiness...
How to Be Liked and Admired
How to Be Liked and Admired Even though it's a bad idea to make praise and approval your goal in life, people still...
Instant Happiness
Instant Happiness You can feel happier in just one minute by first understanding a few important facts. “Happiness...
The Emotional Tone Scale
The Emotional Tone Scale The Emotional Tone Scale, discovered by L. Ron Hubbard, is a powerful tool that gives you...
Moving Past Grief
Moving Past Grief Jim and Nancy fall in love at their first high school dance. They see each other every day and talk...
The Best Revenge
The Best Revenge Do you want to hurt someone because he or she hurt you? Do you need to get even? Are you seeking...
When in Doubt, Communicate!
When in Doubt, Communicate! You may remember being told as a child, “Keep quiet!” “Children should be seen, not...
Hate Have you ever hated someone without knowing why? For example, you hate someone you just met, for no reason. Or...
How to Get People to Trust You
How to Get People to Trust You You need people to believe you, have confidence in you and depend on you. If people...
Boost Your Success By Thanking People
Boost Your Success By Thanking People "Approval and validation are often far more valuable than material rewards and...
Where to Get Great Advice
Where to Find Great Advice Whose opinions are important to you? Do you adopt the opinions of certain politicians?...
Enjoy Your Work
Enjoy Your Work Some people say, "You have a good job if it pays you a lot of money. Nothing else matters." Others...
How to Predict Your Success
How to Predict Your Success Chris wondered, “What’s going to happen to me? What does the future hold?” He remembers...
The Whole World Stinks!
“The Whole World Stinks!” Have you ever noticed how the world seems to change depending on how you feel? For example,...
What to Do When You Feel Outraged
What to Do When You Feel Outraged Getting angry may be the correct response in a few rare situations. Yet blowing up...
Rule Your World
Rule Your World! You may have heard that to succeed, you need to adjust yourself to the world around you. “You’d...
Happiness is Power
Happiness is Power What makes you perform at your peak? What makes you happiest? When are you at your best? “Happiness...
Your Kingdom
Your Kingdom You deserve a kingdom. For example, Bob is the king of the little-league baseball team he coaches. Kelli...
How to Make Yourself Happier
How to Make Yourself Happier In 1986, L. Ron Hubbard wrote a poem which is a guide to happiness. "The Joy of Creating"...
How to Reduce Anxiety and Enjoy Living
How to Reduce Anxiety There has never been a better time for worry. We have problems everywhere: shootings, terrorist...