15 Benefits of Being Motivated Generate enthusiasm about anything you like, whenever you like. Get more work done in...
Power of Speed
The Power of SPEED Being a powerful person does not require you to have a big body, physical strength or a loud voice....
How to Rise from Effect to Cause
Cause or Effect: The Choice is Yours Every aspect of your life comes under two categories: things you are at CAUSE...
50 Ways to Motivate Yourself Slideshow
15 Benefits of Being Motivated Generate enthusiasm about anything you like, whenever you like. Get more work done in...
How to Write Plans That Work
How to Write Plans That Work To reach a goal or accomplish an objective, you need a workable plan. “The purpose of...
Take a Message to Garcia
Who Can You Trust? To win the game of life, you need to pick the right teammates. You need to answer questions like...
The Power of BE
The Power of BE “The ability to be is more important than the ability to do. The ability to do is more important than...
Future Thinking
Future Thinking We have all made bad decisions. They waste our time, energy and money. They hurt our families, our...
Life is a Game
Life is a Game Your job is a game. Building a business is a game. Getting rich and famous is a game. Forming...
"No" Do you ever say "Yes” when you really want to say “No”? Of course, it depends on the request. For example, it's...
The Power of Responsibility
The Power of Responsibility No One Wins the Blame Game We have all blamed other people for our problems, at some...
Motivation Slideshow (10 Tips)
The Best (or Worst) Part of Your Work
ARC: The Most Powerful People Skill Ever Discovered, Part Five The Best (or Worst) Part of Your Job What makes your...
The Most Powerful People Skill Ever Discovered, Part Four, Sales and Negotiation
ARC: The Most Powerful People Skill Ever Discovered Part Four: ARC in Sales and Negotiations You sell and negotiate...
The Most Powerful People Skill Ever Discovered, Part Three, Forming New Relationships
ARC: The Most Powerful People Skill Ever Discovered Part Three: How to Use ARC to Form New Relationships Wouldn’t it...
Charisma Tips
Ten Ways to Be Charismatic If you have charisma (personal magnetism or charm), people want to be around you, listen to...
Control Part Six, The Four Circles of Control
Control, Part Six The Four Circles of Control Based on the earlier articles on control, you can place everything in...
To-Be List
Download Audio FileYour Daily To-Be List Like most successful people, you probably start your day with a plan or a...
How to Start Relationships
How to Start Relationships A powerful tool you can use to break the ice and start new relationships consists of two...
Motivation Tips
Five Motivation Tips To succeed, you need a lot of energy and enthusiasm so you can work long hours and produce major...
Control Part One, How to Control Your Life
How to Control Your Life "Control Part One: Five Facts about Control" (this page)“Control Part Two: Parts of...
How to Motivate Yourself
How to Motivate Yourself Do you ever say: "I have too many problems to get ahead.""I can't succeed because I'm the...
The Unstoppable Power of Orderly Progress
The Unstoppable Power of Orderly Progress Five Questions 1. Do you ever get frustrated with your lack of success?2....
The Four-Step System for Selling Anything
The Four-Step System for Selling Anything Promotion creates interest in your VFP (Valuable Final Product) but does not...
Do You REALLY Want to Increase Your Income?
Do You REALLY Want to Increase Your Income? To increase your income, reach your goals and succeed, your DESIRE to get...
Open Your Mind to Success
Open Your Mind to Success Do you know everything there is to know about something? If so, you have trouble. For...
Focus Power, Part One
Focus Power, Part One What makes you perform at your peak? What makes you happiest? When do you do your best?...
Your Unlimited Potential
Your Unlimited Potential Question: What does the word “potentiality” mean?Answer: The capacity for growth or...
Simple Solutions
Simple Solutions Before 1859, thousands of children and adults were dying from drinking milk all around the world....
Does the World Owe Anyone a Living?
Does the World Owe You (or Anyone) a Living? The biggest problem with dentures (false teeth) is that they do not feel...
How to Upgrade Your Lifestyle
How to Upgrade Your Lifestyle Do you want a new car, a more comfortable house, better clothes? If so, do all of the...
Money Motivation
Money Motivation Is making money your top goal? Is it your primary motivation? If so, you may get rich, but you may...
Five Ways to Get Rich
Five Ways to Get Rich If you think about it, there are only five ways you can get rich. 1. Gamble Buy lottery...
Succeed with Speed
Succeed with Speed How long do you wait for a haircut? For a table at a restaurant? For your car to be repaired? How...
Where Are The Shortcuts to Prosperity?
Where Are the Shortcuts to Prosperity? Do you need a faster path to success? Are you sick and tired of waiting? If so,...
How to Discover Your Power and Command of Life
How to Discover Your Power and Command of Life You are about to read about one of the most effective self-improvement...
The Power of Passion
The Power of Passion Improving this single attitude makes your days fly by. You wake up excited to work. You make the...
Three Ways to Handle People
Three Ways to Handle People Your sister has a serious drinking problem which is ruining her life. Her husband left...
Be Sane, Have Fun!
Be Sane, Have Fun! “An individual who can freely and with a clear heart do things because they’re fun is a very sane...
Negative Emotions Make You Fail
Negative Emotions Make You Fail Pete, the new Sales Manager of ABC Autos, was yelling at the salespeople to do better,...
The Emotional Tone Scale
The Emotional Tone Scale The Emotional Tone Scale, discovered by L. Ron Hubbard, is a powerful tool that gives you...
Inaction and Indecision
Inaction and Indecision Right now, you can make a decision that will make you more successful. Right now, you can...
Like it or Not, People Follow Your Example
Like it or Not, People Follow Your Example You may not realize how much influence you have on others. You might be...
The Power to Make People Happy
The Power to Make People Happy If you think about it, all your success depends on other people. People can give you...
How to Get People to Trust You
How to Get People to Trust You You need people to believe you, have confidence in you and depend on you. If people...
Your Supporters Everything you want in life requires the support or cooperation of individuals. Your success depends...
Boost Your Success By Thanking People
Boost Your Success By Thanking People "Approval and validation are often far more valuable than material rewards and...
The Power of a Fresh Start
The Power of a Fresh Start Nothing can ruin your success faster than personal conflicts. Upsets between business...
Intention Gives You Power
Intention Gives You Power "If you intend something to happen, it happens, if you intend it to happen. Verbalization*...
The Power of Good Manners
The Power of Good Manners Do you like rude people? Do you mind if someone interrupts you? Are you happy when people...
Everyone is Important
Everyone is Important People love and appreciate you when you make them feel important. People you work with, such as...
Are You a Professional? How you look, talk, write, act and work determines whether you are a professional or an...
Organize to Get Your Product
Organize to Get Your Product To succeed you need to NAME and WANT whatever product or result you are after. The third...
Want Your Product
Make Your Dreams Come TruePart Two: “Want” You can accomplish ANYTHING if you do three things: 1. “NAME” or describe...
Name Your Product
Name Your Product In 1976 L. Ron Hubbard made a discovery that may boost your success rate and income to new levels,...
How To Be More Talented To explain their failures, some people say things like, "I had to close my cafe because I have...
Stupid Thinking
Stupid Thinking Do you think things through? Before you act, do you consider what will happen as a result? If you can...
Enjoy Your Work
Enjoy Your Work Some people say, "You have a good job if it pays you a lot of money. Nothing else matters." Others...
No One Dies from Hard Work
Hard Work Highly-successful people love to work. All athletes who reach the top of their game, practice for 12-15...
Increase Your Production by Handling Distractions Have you ever ended a very busy day only to realize you...
Do-It-Now Habit
The Do-It-Now Habit Do you need to increase your income, but have too much to do? Are you not making the progress you...
Boost Your Pay with Statistics
Boost Your Pay with Statistics Which of these five statements do you believe are true? 1. “My employer decides how...
Do You Avoid Working?
Do You Avoid Working? Have you ever noticed what happens when you avoid doing your work? “The person who studiously...
Produce Anything by Breaking it Down
Produce BIG AMAZING RESULTS with Small Simple Steps Your financial success depends on your ability to create and...
How to Predict Your Success
How to Predict Your Success Chris wondered, “What’s going to happen to me? What does the future hold?” He remembers...
How to Prevent Catastrophes
How to Prevent Catastrophes One of the most stressful aspects of managing your life, job or business are those darn...
How to Accumulate Power
How to Accumulate Power To succeed you need power. How much power do you have? Your power includes the money and...
Why You Must Be Unreasonable
Why You Must Be Unreasonable You succeed when you are unreasonable about succeeding. You neither give nor accept...
Two Elements of Success
Two Elements of Success To succeed you need both force and intelligence. Every failure you have ever had was because...
What the Universe Gives to You
What the Universe Gives to You How do you spend your energy? Do you use it arguing or yelling? Surfing the web?...
Happiness is Power
Happiness is Power What makes you perform at your peak? What makes you happiest? When are you at your best? “Happiness...
What Happens if You Exclude People?
What Happens If You Exclude People? Have you been banned from a group? Have you been treated like a second-class...
How to Be More Popular
How to Be More Popular Many people believe the route to success is to be interesting—to show off or act like someone...
Being Too Serious
Being Too Serious Ruins Your Success Are you having fun? Do you get a thrill from your work? Do you enjoy waking up...