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Personal Performance

Power of Speed

The Power of SPEED Being a powerful person does not require you to have a big body, physical strength or a loud voice....

Take a Message to Garcia

Who Can You Trust? To win the game of life, you need to pick the right teammates. You need to answer questions like...

The Power of BE

The Power of BE “The ability to be is more important than the ability to do. The ability to do is more important than...

Life is a Game

Life is a Game Your job is a game. Building a business is a game. Getting rich and famous is a game. Forming...

The Power of Responsibility

The Power of Responsibility No One Wins the Blame Game We have all blamed other people for our problems, at some...

Personal Image Power

The Power of Your Personal Image A good personal image creates respect. People are more likely to listen to you,...

To-Be List

Download Audio FileYour Daily To-Be List Like most successful people, you probably start your day with a plan or a...

How to Learn Anything

How to Learn Anything Do you hate to study? While trying to learn a skill, do you get confused? Do you stop reading...

Open Your Mind to Success

Open Your Mind to Success Do you know everything there is to know about something? If so, you have trouble. For...

Focus Power, Part One

Focus Power, Part One What makes you perform at your peak? What makes you happiest? When do you do your best?...

Your Unlimited Potential

Your Unlimited Potential ​ Question: What does the word “potentiality” mean?Answer: The capacity for growth or...

Succeed with Speed

Succeed with Speed​ How long do you wait for a haircut? For a table at a restaurant? For your car to be repaired? How...

The Power of Passion

The Power of Passion​ Improving this single attitude makes your days fly by. You wake up excited to work. You make the...

The Emotional Tone Scale

The Emotional Tone Scale The Emotional Tone Scale, discovered by L. Ron Hubbard, is a powerful tool that gives you...

Inaction and Indecision

Inaction and Indecision​ Right now, you can make a decision that will make you more successful. Right now, you can...

Intention Gives You Power

Intention Gives You Power​ "If you intend something to happen, it happens, if you intend it to happen. Verbalization*...


Are You a Professional? How you look, talk, write, act and work determines whether you are a professional or an...


How To Be More Talented To explain their failures, some people say things like, "I had to close my cafe because I have...

Hate to Study?

Do You Hate to Study? No doubt about it. To be successful, you need to read and apply instructions. You need to know...

Golden Goose

Your Golden Goose​ What is the best way to invest your time and money? What gives you the most in return? Your home,...

Do-It-Now Habit

The Do-It-Now Habit Do you need to increase your income, but have too much to do? Are you not making the progress you...

Why You Must Be Unreasonable

Why You Must Be Unreasonable You succeed when you are unreasonable about succeeding. You neither give nor accept...

Two Elements of Success

Two Elements of Success To succeed you need both force and intelligence. Every failure you have ever had was because...

Happiness is Power

Happiness is Power What makes you perform at your peak? What makes you happiest? When are you at your best? “Happiness...

Being Too Serious

Being Too Serious Ruins Your Success Are you having fun? Do you get a thrill from your work? Do you enjoy waking up...