How to Learn Anything![books 3348990 1280 1](
- Do you hate to study?
- While trying to learn a skill, do you get confused?
- Do you stop reading important material before you finish?
- Do you wish certain articles or books were easier to understand?
- Have you realized you cannot get ahead unless you learn new skills?
If so, you can change your life with this learning skill.
Good News
You CAN understand everything you read. You CAN educate yourself on anything. You CAN successfully learn anything.
If you master this learning skill, your success is much, much easier. Your opportunities expand significantly.
For example, if you did not finish school, but then you master this ONE SKILL, you can THEN learn anything you want. Examples:
- Website design
- Computer programming
- Online marketing
- Business
- Government regulations
- Taxes
- Photography
- Image or video editing
- Video Creation
- Investments
- Loans
- Other languages
- Architecture
- Construction
- Electricity
- Management
- Advertising
- Sales
Even though you can access knowledge about anything online, mastering any of these skills is still difficult for most people because they do not have this important learning skill. You can sign up for school classes or online courses, but without this study skill, you will still have problems understanding your topic.
L. Ron Hubbard figured out why people have a hard time learning. He does not blame teachers, schools or governments. His solution is to teach students how to study so they can learn anything they want!
One of his most important study skills is to use a dictionary.
The Misunderstood Word
To use this tool, you will need a dictionary that works best for you. You can use a physical dictionary or an online dictionary.
Two good online dictionaries are and Both of these websites give fast, simple definitions and then as much additional information you might need to fully understand the word.
Take a minute, right now, and look up the word “crepuscule.” (You can click the image to the right.)
You can also use search engines like Google search to find definitions. In the search box, type “define ___.” For example, type in “define crepuscule.”
By using a dictionary, you can now learn how to use this powerful success tool.
“The only reason a person gives up a study or becomes confused or unable to learn is because he or she has gone past a word that was not understood.
“The confusion or inability to grasp or learn comes AFTER a word that the person did not have defined and understood.
“Have you ever had the experience of coming to the end of a page and realizing you didn’t know what you had read? Well, somewhere earlier on that page you went past a word you had no definition for or an incorrect definition for.
“Here’s an example. ‘It was found that when the crepuscule arrived the children were quieter and when it was not present, they were much livelier.’ You see what happens. You think you don’t understand the whole idea, but the inability to understand came entirely from the one word you could not define, crepuscule, which means twilight or darkness. (Note: Read the crepuscule sentence again now that you understand the word.)
“It may not only be the new and unusual words that you will have to look up. Some commonly used words can often be misdefined and so cause confusion.
“This datum about not going past an undefined word is the most important fact in the whole subject of study. Every subject you have taken up and abandoned had its words which you failed to get defined.
“Therefore, in studying be very, very certain you never go past a word you do not fully understand. If the material becomes confusing or you can’t seem to grasp it, there will be a word just earlier that you have not understood. Don’t go any further, but go back to BEFORE you got into trouble, find the misunderstood word and get it defined.” — L. Ron Hubbard
How to Use this Success Tool to Increase Your Income
Which subject, if you understood, would help you make money?
Example #1
Let’s say you want to increase your income by selling handmade leather belts. You go to Google and search “how to sell handmade leather belts” and learn about Etsy.
So what’s the first word you look up?
That’s right “Etsy.”
You check the dictionary and the word is not in there. You use Google search and find out Etsy’s founder of the company just wanted a new word that no one was using. So he was watching an Italian movie and heard “et si” which means “oh yes,” and Etsy was born.
Maybe you had heard about Etsy or even purchased some products from Etsy, but always felt a small amount of confusion about Etsy. Now you feel better about this company and you say so yourself, “Oh! I thought it meant they only sold tiny things, like itsy-bitsy spider. Great! Let’s see how it works.”
You read ten articles about selling on Etsy. Every time a sentence does not make sense, you stop and look around for any words you do not understand. You use your dictionary to understand the words and read the sentence again.
Because you understand every word, every paragraph and every article about selling on Etsy, your self-confidence increases. You truly understand the Etsy system! You open your Etsy shop and list your belts for sale.
Within a few days, you sell a few belts. You add more items to your Etsy shop. You constantly improve your Etsy shop. Within a couple of months, your Etsy shop is earning enough to pay your living expenses.
Example #2
Let’s say you want a job using Microsoft Excel. You go to Google and search “Learn Excel for Free” and find Microsoft has a free course. You also find you can use Excel software for free at
You use a dictionary to ensure you understand the words as you go.
In the first lesson, you look up “cell,” “data” “row” and “column.” Everything in the first lesson makes sense to you and you feel optimistic.
In each lesson, you look up words. You do not skip around. You do not leave a sentence or a lesson without completely understanding it. You take your time and do it right.
Within a few hours, you can use Excel better than most people in most companies. As you look for a new job, you keep learning more about Excel. You learn how to use more Microsoft programs to increase the value of your work. You get job offers and land a terrific job at a great company. You feel powerful!
Example #3
Let’s say you want to start a business, based on your passions, and earn money from it.
What would you love to do? For example, you really love cars or beautiful homes or heavy construction equipment or music or travel. You find out how to make money in the subjects you love.
You decide to start a business based on your favorite subject. You list all the skills you will need to make your new business succeed. For example, for your travel video company, you need to have skills in video cameras, video editing, video websites and so on.
You find books, videos, manuals and articles that explain how to do each skill.
You use a dictionary to understand every word, every sentence and every paragraph.
You master the skills you need to start your business and then more skills of how to make it successful.
Example #4
Let’s say you want to just make a LOT of money. You don’t care how. So, you find out how wealthy people in your community made their money.
You pick one of those topics and learn all about it.
You use a dictionary to understand every word in every sentence. You take your time and you do it right. You study every day for as many hours as possible. You master the skills you need to make a LOT of money.
Which types of work pay the most money? Management, investments, law, medicine and computer technology are good examples.
Which areas in life do people find confusing? Management, investments, law, medicine and computer technology are good examples.
If you can define all the words, you are not confused by these subjects. You can master these subjects: Management, investments, law, medicine and computer technology.
Get it?
Key Words![Key to learning anything]()
A powerful use of this study skill is to look up the important words or “key words” BEFORE you start learning a skill or subject. Making sure you know these words gives you a big head start into the learning the subject.
It’s like using a key to unlock the knowledge.
For example, before you start to learn income skills, ensure you know these key words BEFORE you dive in:
- Skill
- Master
- Money
- Wealth
- Income
- Earn
- Independently Wealthy
Try this now and use your dictionary to find the best definition for each word. Even if you think you already know the definition, look it up to remove all doubt. It’s like a small investment of your time to prevent big time-wasting confusions later.
As you check the definitions of key words, you might think of other key words that apply to the subject or skill. Take more time to look up those words, as well.
Whenever you start a new skill, list the key words for that skill and look up their definitions in your dictionary
When people cannot understand the words, they hate the subject. When people understand the words in a subject, they can master and love the subject.
Understanding the correct definition of every word in a sentence guarantees you correctly understand the sentence. Understanding every sentence you hear or read opens the door to mastering any topic.
So look up your words! When in doubt, find the perfect definition that applies.
Your success depends on it.