Income Demand

Which factor establishes your income more than any other?

  • Your education or skills?
  • Your family or connections?
  • Your profession or location?
  • Your mood, motivation, reactions, health, odor or sense of humor?
  • Your age, gender, race, religion, nationality, appearance or political views?

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While these factors might influence your income, another one has more power than these. It’s the same factor that establishes a group’s income.

“The income potential of any usual group is established by the demand for income, not by any other important factor.” — L. Ron Hubbard

In other words, the more demand you have for income, the more money you earn!

Income demand can come from any source: your spouse, your group, bill collectors, customers, a boss, emergencies and so on. Yet the best income demand comes from you. You create it yourself.

Seven Ways to Describe Income Demand

  1. You need income for something important.
  2. You expect to earn some money, with no doubt.
  3. You request income with urgency.
  4. You push, pull or press for the money.
  5. You insist that you get paid.
  6. You require a certain amount of money and nothing else will do.
  7. You use all of your influence, personal force, reasoning skills and energy to get money.

Six Facts

1. Emergencies create income demand.

For example, you need to pay a $300 fine or go to jail. As a result, your income demand is very high. You meet the demand by searching your resources and suddenly realize a solution. One way or another, you quickly raise the $300!

As another example, your daughter has a medical emergency and you have no insurance to pay for it. Your income demand shoots up. You make it go right. You are amazed how powerful you can be.

2. A good boss creates income demand by just being there.480 F 420422930 1a9llU6kvWWckAQKGVC4HZK3AQSL1kgt

Let’s say you sell cars. If your boss is watching, your sales increase. When your boss is absent, you drink coffee, chat on the phone and make no money. As soon as the boss is back, you get productive.

3. Businesses rely on its executives to create demand.

They use creative subgoals.

  • “You’ll be promoted and get a raise if your department’s income is up this month.”
  • “Smithers, collect $500,000 this quarter and we’ll have enough money for that project of yours.”
  • “Everyone who increases their productivity by 10% this week gets a gourmet lunch on Friday!”

4. When the members within a group demand income, you see amazing results.

For example, a church group with thousands of enthusiastic volunteers can raise millions in donations.

If your boss AND your coworkers demand that you work harder, faster and better, everyone’s income increases.

5. When you borrow money for training yourself, to start a new business, take advantage of an opportunity and so on, the loan payments create an income demand. 

For example, if you invent a battery that lasts 100 times longer than any other battery in the world. Building a factory, buying supplies and hiring the staff costs a lot of money. So you get a business loan which creates an income demand to pay it back. You can then manufacture the batteries, pay off the loans and enjoy the benefits of owning a profitable company. The loan is worth the interest you paid and included beneficial income demand.

6. You can create all the income demand you want . . . on your own.

The most successful people in the world put pressure on themselves. Their income demand is internal. They usually use one of these five methods.

Five Ways to Boost Your Personal Income Demand

1. Find which type of income demand works best for you.

For example, if being in a powerful group increases your income demand, join the most-powerful one you can find. If a creative, but insistent boss does it for you, find the best one available. If a loan creates income demand (as you want a good credit rating score), go ahead and keep borrowing.

2. Set exciting goals that you really, truly want to accomplish.

For example, if you are passionate about expanding your knowledge with an advanced education, your passion will act as your income demand. You will get the money for your education.

3. Focus on the end result, not the number.

For example, “Get $150,000 in the bank” is not as good as “Get $150,000 to buy a house for my family.”

4. Create income demand in yourself.

You make a decision to make something go right. You then use self discipline, intelligence, clear thinking, persistence and passion to build your income demand. You are in control.

5. Use your imagination.

Daydream about earning a lot more money. See yourself enjoying the benefits. Make a list!

Your desire to win your wealth game becomes strong enough to act as an income demand.


  1. Write down the details of your income demand by answering questions like these:
    1. How much income do you want?
    2. Why do you want it?
    3. How often should you get it?
    4. What will you do with the money?
    5. How will you get the income?
    6. Who will help you get it?
    7. When will you no longer need the income demand?
    8. When will you start?
  2. Based on these details, create a step-by-step plan and START!
  3. Once you discover ways that boost your income, use them to make more money than ever before!

Five Reasons You May Have Little or No Income Demand

1. You have no need.

For example, if are out of debt and have all the cash you want, your income may drop as you have no demand for income. Instead of making money, you enjoy doing other things.

However, if you want  to play a new challenging game, you can spend or donate your money. Now your income jumps as you now have a demand for income.

Consider a bigger game.

2. You are under the influence of a suppressive person.

As a result, your urgency to make money may drop to zero. Until you remove this negative influence, you may never earn much money.

Figure out who your enemies are.

3. You have a failed purpose.

If you are too tired to make money because of a failure you will have no energy to make money. A big income demand may not be enough to pull you out of your failed purposes.

In this case, fire up your purposes.

4. You ignore or disagree with an income demand.

For example, you borrow $30,000 to start a new business from your parents. Even though they say, “You don’t need to pay it back” you promise to pay them $3000 per month. You work hard to make this extra money and enjoy sending them a monthly check.

But then a friend joins your operation convinces you to stop the payments and pay him $3000 instead. You decide the $30,000 is now a gift and call your parents. They accept your decision.

However, your income demand has vanished. Your monthly income drops by $3000, then $5000 and then $10,000 per month. You realize the loan caused an income demand. It was sparking your business growth.

You decide to keep your agreement. You decide the $30,000 is a loan, not a gift. You fire the friend and start paying your parents again. Your business succeeds.

5. Your source of income is unethical. You cheat, lie or steal to get money.

For example, you buy an expensive home and need $7500 per month for the mortgage. To get the money, you steal the money from your boss. You create fake statements from suppliers and convince your boss the supplies were delivered. You also steal cash and other assets whenever you can.

Eventually, you feel so guilty you no longer enjoy the expensive house. You stop caring about the mortgage. Your income demand vanishes and you confess to your boss.

You lose the house, your job, your reputation and your self-respect.

Fortunately, you find a path back from ruin and live a new, better life.