How to Live and Succeed with Integritybad mechanic

To succeed, you need to live with truth.

For example, you own an auto repair shop and give estimates to repair cars. Sometimes, you exaggerate a customer’s problem so you can charge more. This increases your income, but causes you problems.

One day, a newspaper reporter asks you, “Did you actually charge Mrs. Jones $150 to replace her piston hypometer? I know a lot about cars and I’ve never heard of a hypometer. What’s going on here?”

On the other hand, if you understate the customer’s problems, you are also being dishonest. You do not state what you know to be true. “Well Mrs. Jones, you can maybe go for another 200 miles on those old tires . . . “ You put your customer at risk and feel like a wimp.

If look your customer in the eye, and without hesitation you tell the truth, everything goes well. “Sorry Mrs. Jones, but those tires can’t be fixed. They’re about to fall apart. Let’s find you some better tires so you don’t get into an accident, okay?”

When you have the courage to be honest at all times, you become a powerful force for good.


Integrity means you create or agree to rules for living your life. You decide what is right and wrong. You then follow these rules.

As a result, you have no reason to lie. You have nothing to hide. Your life is uncomplicated and less stressful. You are more powerful!

So how do you decide what is right and wrong?

“WHAT IS TRUE FOR YOU is what you have observed yourself
“And when you lose that you have lost everything.”
“What is personal integrity?
“Personal integrity is knowing what you know–
“What you know is what you know–
“And to have the courage to know and say what you have observed.
“And that is integrity
“And there is no other integrity.” — L. Ron Hubbard

You know the truth when you see it. You make decisions based on what is true for you. You look at yourself in a mirror with pride.

What is true for one person is not necessarily true for someone else. For example, Mellissa decides spending money on vacations is wrong while Todd believes that vacations are the best part of life. Both make their own decisions about what is right and wrong.

You discover what is true for you and then hold a position on it.jail 2572467 1280

10 Examples

Most people find these are ways of living with integrity.

1. Keep your agreements.

2. Earn your income with honest, valuable work.

3. Follow the law.

4. Spend less money than you make.

5. Live a healthy life. Avoid drugs and alcohol.

6. Tell the truth to those you work with or live with.

7. Never hurt good people.

8. Instead of accepting alarming information, do your own research and look for yourself.

9. Do good for the world. Be helpful and generous when possible.

10. Do what is right for you even if unpopular.

Read “The Way to Happiness” for more examples and details.

Step-by-Step Instructions to Live with More Integrity

1. Pick a problem or situation in life that is causing you trouble.

2. Look at what you are doing to discover how you might not be operating with integrity. Ask yourself questions like these:

“Do I feel guilty about anything”
“Am I breaking my promises or agreements?”
“Am I misleading anyone?
“Do I have to hide anything I’m doing?”
“Am I afraid to be honest?”
“Do I secretly dislike how I’m acting?”
“Might I regret what I’m doing?”
“Could I get in trouble for anything?
“Am I proud or not proud of what I’m doing?”

3. Write down all cases where you might not be operating with integrity.

4. Face the facts and decide what is true for you for each one. Ask yourself questions like these.

“What is actually true for me on this?”
“What is the right way for me to act?”
“Do I believe in how I’m acting?”
“What do I observe is true?”
“What should I do instead?”
“How could I get what I want with integrity?”
“What would make me proud of myself?”

5. Write down what is actually true for you.

6. Change your actions. Start holding this position. Have the courage to act on the truth.

12 Benefits of Living with IntegrityMirror Self

1. You like yourself more than ever before. You have more pride.

2. Your powers of observation are more accurate. You can see the truth about others more easily.

3. No need to keep your stories straight or alter anything. The facts are the facts.

4. People follow your example and act with more integrity themselves.

5. You stop caring what others think of you. You handle rejection and criticism more easily. For example, you are not bothered if someone says, “Your work is horrible!” as you have no doubt that your work is good. You also know the other person has a problem with observation or honesty.

6. You have fewer personality conflicts with others, even when you or they get angry or aggressive.

7. You regret nothing you do.

8. You have more courage. You fight injustices with more ferocity as you know what is true.

9. When you mess up, you go find the truth, accept responsibility and move forward.

10. You earn a reputation as a person with integrity. For example, “She’s a great boss. She might be more honest about your work than you might want to hear, but she’s fair and doesn’t lie.”

11. Your chances of being sued, fined or convicted of a crime go way down.

12. You follow your own path; the path that is true to you.

Watch this video to learn more.