How to Look Younger and Act YoungerHold Two Corners Exercise 2

Long before the current popularity of “The Power of Now,” “The Zone” and modern meditation practices, L. Ron Hubbard discovered several new methods to release your attention from the past. In fact, many people say they are his best discoveries of all.

One of his easiest methods is a self-improvement exercise. You can do it, on your own, whenever you like.

“Sitting somewhere near the center of a room, close your eyes and ‘contact’ the two upper corners of the room behind you.”

“Pretend you’re holding onto them.” “If it’s hard for you to hold them from inside, try holding them from outside.”

“Then, holding those corners, sit still and don’t think. Remain interested only in those two corners.

“You can do this for two minutes (minimum) or two hours, always with benefit. No matter what happens, simply hold the corners and don’t think.

“You can do this daily. It will make you look and act younger.” — L. Ron Hubbard (Phoenix Arizona, 1954)

Ten Benefits

By doing this exercise once or twice a day, you will earn and enjoy these benefits.

1. You learn to move your attention on present time with less effort.
2. You reduce or eliminate fears you feel about the future.
3. You think less about those things you cannot control.
4. Your memories are less distracting.
5. You stop feeling like a victim and start thinking about solutions.
6. You discover a new sense joy in life, from being in present time.
7. Your mind stops jumping from one topic to another.
8. You criticize yourself less and less.
9. You feel peaceful and calmer.
10. And, of course, you look and act younger.

Give it a Try

Take two or more minutes, right now, with these steps.

Six Steps

1. Find a comfortable place to sit in a room.
2. Close your eyes.
3. Pretend to contact or connect with two upper corners behind you.
4. Do your best to not think.
5. Be interested ONLY in those two corners.
6. Continue until you feel an improvement.

Ten Reasons to Do this Exercise

1. Life is not going your way.
2. You feel like a tired old person.
3. You feel angry, stressed or annoyed by life.
4. It feels like you have too much to do and not enough time.
5. You feel sad or depressed.
6. You cannot sleep.
7. You feel unexplained pains or emotions.
8. You are confused and need a solution.
9. Someone is stressing you out.
10. You see wrinkles in a mirror and think, “I wish I didn’t look so old.”


Use this fantastic exercise a few times each day or whenever you find suitable opportunities. For example, when you first wake up, while waiting for someone or taking a break from work.

All the best parts of life are happening NOW. Be here to enjoy them!

You can constantly improve yourself by using any of these self-improvement exercises.