The Unstoppable Power of Orderly Progress

Five Questionsorderly progress

1. Do you ever get frustrated with your lack of success?
2. Instead of going through all the steps necessary to reach an objective, do you try to jump ahead?
3. Do you ever feel overwhelmed with no idea of what you should do?
4. Do you feel you are stuck or failing? Working hard but going nowhere?
5. Are you simply dissatisfied with your progress in life?

You can resolve each of these conditions with one solution.

One Solution


If you felt like you were in total power, because of your orderly progress, what might you say?

Seven Attitude Examples

1. “I make precise plans.”
2. “I take one step at a time.”
3. “I make constant, steady progress.”
4. “I persist for as long as it takes.”
5. “I am calm and patient at all times.”
6. “I know exactly where I am going.”
7. “I never give up, even for a second.”

You make daily progress in specific directions. Your progress is organized and precise. Nothing stops you.

You are like a mountain creek wearing down a giant boulder. You work on that boulder every day for millions of years and you conquer the rock. You have powerful, orderly progress.

Ten Recommendations

1. Constantly increase your knowledge. Every day, learn something useful.
2. Practice a small part of one skill again and again until perfect.
3. Spend five minutes each day replacing a bad habit.
4. Start each day expecting a bit more from yourself than you accomplished the day before.
5. Invest a little more each month into your savings.
6. Work a few minutes longer each day.
7. Face your fears with a little less hesitation and a little more courage.
8. Push yourself to do a better job, no matter what you are doing, at every opportunity.
9. Sharpen your focus on your immediate action steps.
10. When you feel stopped, take tiny orderly steps toward the end result you want. The stops will eventually vanish so you can then take giant steps.

Enjoy the power!