Organize to Get Your Product

To succeed you need to NAME and WANT whatever product or result you are after. The third component is ORGANIZE TO GET YOUR PRODUCT.

“The purpose of organization is TO MAKE PLANNING BECOME ACTUALITY.” — L. Ron Hubbardorganize6

Well-organized operations make it simple for its members to follow the set procedures. For example, McDonald’s restaurants can train a high-school student to run a cash register, fill orders and provide good service with just a few days of training. Everyone in McDonald’s does it the same efficient way, from Burbank to Boise to Berlin.

Successful individuals are also well-organized. They get the most possible productivity with the least amount of time and effort. Their workspaces are orderly and clean. Their possessions are in good working order and easy to locate. They are punctual, dependable and efficient.

Organized people stay on top of the routine actions necessary to successful living. Their cars run well, their desks are clean and their closets are orderly. They set goals, work out doable plans and figure out their priorities. Because they are organized and ready to produce, they get more things done than people who are disorganized.

Everyone, including you, must be organized to achieve your dreams.

Six Key Ingredients

In addition to keeping your physical areas and tools clean and organized, L. Ron Hubbard lists six essential parts of good organizing to help you make orderly progress.


1. Observation: Before you start, look around. See what needs to be done. Envision a well-organized life or operation.

When organizing your business, your job, your employees or your home, look at the current scene. Do not assume anything. Listen to no one. Observe for yourself so you can more accurately do the rest of the steps.

2. Planning: List all the steps you will need to take to reach the final result. Break big projects down into small tasks. Make sure each task is doable and not based on fantasy.

3. Communicating: Talk to those who will be involved in your plan. Ensure they will help you, work with you or do the work.

4. Supervision: Everyone is a supervisor, even if just a supervisor for themselves. Someone has to put things into motion. If no one supervises the activity, it dies from lack of attention.

5. Production: Until this point, it’s been all thinking and talking. Now you take action. Because you have properly organized the activity, you get more done in less time. Your planning steps will pay off.

You can throw yourself and others into the task. Focus on accomplishment. Do whatever you need to do to make the plan an actuality.

6. Users: Make sure whoever receives your product or service is satisfied. If they get what they need or want, you are successful.

For example, a new software program that is incredibly powerful, is only successful if anyone can use it. If it’s too complicated, it will not lead you to your dreams until you take it one extra mile to the user.

As an employee, your user may be your boss, your customers or your coworkers. Do they love your product or service? Does it exceed their expectations? If so, you have organized your ultimate success.

Example One

You want to earn $5000 per month from your online advertising side business so you can quit your job. You go through the six ingredients.

1. You observe.

I have several hours every day I can devote to my advertising business. I understand maybe a third of what I need to know how to do. I’ve had good success helping my dad with his online ads. He knows dozens of business owners who might want help with their advertising.

2. You write a plan.

First, I need to learn as much as I can and see what works. So educate myself by reading the support pages on advertising with Google, Facebook, Yelp, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube and Instagram. I’ll try each one to see which ones I can make work for my dad’s website. I’ll track all the stats so I can promote my wins.

3. You communicate

Stay in touch with my dad and start to get as many new contacts as possible each week.

4. You supervise.

Need to keep myself away from the TV and focused on my plan.

5. You produce

At least five hours per day should do it.

6. You make sure your users, mainly you and your dad for now, are pleased.

Example Two

You own a healthcare practice and want to see more patients.

1. You observe.

Staff members do not look happy. I rarely talk to staff members.

2. You write a plan.

Meet with each staff member and see how I can help them. Then do whatever I can to make them happier at this job.

3. You communicate.

Send this memo to everyone and hold a staff meeting announcing my plan.

4. You supervise yourself.

Get this done by Friday.

5. You produce.

Staff meeting done on Monday, met the individuals throughout week, created a list of what to change on Friday, made the changes for the next 10 days.

6. You make sure your “users” (staff and patients) are happier.

Staff members look genuinely happier than last month. I hear patients laughing with staff all day. This week stats show more patients coming in.

Example Three

You want to do more good for people.

1. You observe.

Your brother and two of your friends believe the world is a dangerous place. They make decisions out of fear. They bring everyone around them down to their level.

They say things like,

“I’m selling my house before taxes go up and the market crashes.”
“You can’t start a successful business because of all the regulations that are sure to start.”
“I’m buying another handgun to protect my property.”
“I’m moving to another state because this one doesn’t care about global warming.”

You also observe they watch hours of TV news every day. They have TVs in every room that are usually on. They listen to the news in their cars and they truly believe all the bad news they hear.

2. You write a plan.

Get each to spend more time doing pleasant activities with you, their kids and their hobbies.
Point out how the world is not dangerous.

3. You communicate

You spend time with each one to talk about their bad moods, their fears and their news watching habits.

4. You supervise yourself to complete the plan.

You persist until they notice the difference in their lives.

5. You produce and get the plan done.

6. You see your “users” (brother and friends) are less fearful and focusing on their own projects. You see the people around them are no longer avoiding them, but having more fun with them.

You did it!


NAME your product. Get very specific about what you need to produce or accomplish.

WANT your product. Raise your desire and passion to the highest levels possible.

ORGANIZE yourself and the activity. Use the six ingredients to quickly and efficiently reach your goals.

With all three factors in place, you perform better, accomplish more and make your dreams come true.