The Power of Your Personal ImageTeam Professionals

A good personal image creates respect. People are more likely to listen to you, believe in you and like being with you. It shows you are a professional.

A bad personal impression can send the wrong message. Examples:

* Bad breath might give the impression you are unhealthy.
* Poor eye contact can give the impression you are not interested in the person.
* Crooked teeth makes some people believe you are stupid.
* Dried food on your shirt can make you seem uncaring or unaware.
* Bad language gives the impression you are poorly educated.

“Cleanliness and neatness are the primary building blocks to respect in most societies.” — L. Ron Hubbard

A bad personal image hurts your chances of success. People may dislike being around you. You make them uncomfortable. They distrust you somehow.

A good personal impression makes your job easier. It opens the door to good relationships. It gives you a chance to show your skills and value.

Job applicants with a good personal image have a significant advantage over those with a poor image. Sales people often win or lose because of their image. Getting a date or finding a spouse depends a great deal on your image.

To succeed in business, financial or public relations activities, you must establish as much respect as possible. You have no excuse for not being clean and neat.

Everyone can improve their personal image. It’s an easy, but important step on your road to success.

25 Ways to Improve Your Image

1. Do not smell like anything, good or bad. Wash your body regularly especially after getting sweaty. Use an unscented deodorant. Avoid perfume, cologne and scented soaps. If you smoke, do so in a ventilated space and change your clothes often.

2. Ensure your clothing fits your body, is clean and not stained. Dress slightly better than those around you. Wear nothing extraordinary, such as psychedelic ties, hats or shirts with messages and so on.

3. Keep your hair clean, trimmed and natural-looking.

4. For men: keep your facial hair short and trimmed.

5. For women: avoid heavy cosmetics, flashy jewelry or inappropriate clothing.

6. Ensure your fingernails are clean, smooth and well shaped.

7. Pluck hair that sticks out of your ears or nose, between eyebrows, out of moles or other odd places.

8. Look healthy: no red eyes, sniffles or coughing.

9. Brush your teeth frequently. Ensure you have clean-smelling breath especially if you love garlic or you smoke. See “Ten Ways to Prevent Bad Breath.”

10. Unless your boss or clients display their own body art, keep your tattoos and piercings covered up.

11. Stand when first meeting someone, no matter who they are.

12. Walk with good posture; stand tall, lift your chin.

13. Sit straight at all times.

14. Make good eye contact while listening and talking.

15. Automatically smile at everyone you see.

16. Shake hands with each person you meet or greet. Ensure your hand is dry and warm. Use a kind and firm handshake, not limp nor powerful.

17. Allow a comfortable amount of space between you and others.

18. Laugh easily; it makes people relax and makes your face glow.

19. Watch your humor. Avoid offending anyone with jokes about race, disability, sex, politics, religion and so on. Tell jokes about yourself or share funny stories that everyone can enjoy.

20. Appear relaxed, yet energized.

21. Use good manners. Say “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me” to everyone at all times.

22. Use proper language. Examples:
“Come here,” instead of “C’mere”
“Isn’t” instead of “Ain’t”
“Yes” instead of “Yeah”
“No” instead of “Nah”

23. Acknowledge everyone, ignore no one.

24. Say “goodbye” to everyone as you or they leave.

25. Above all, BE PROUD.

“Pride is the primary reason for good appearance.” — L. Ron Hubbard

Read more about being a professional.