Three Happiness Tips for Success
The three tips below are based on The Way to Happiness by L. Ron Hubbard
1. Get Busy
Have you ever noticed how gloomy life feels when you have nothing to do? Doing nothing makes you feel bored, restless or miserable.
Forcing people to be idle is a form of punishment that makes people feel horrible. For example, prison jobs not only make inmates feel better, they feel hope of an honest future.
Some day, we will all be old. But if we stay busy, we live healthier and longer.
Why does this help you succeed?
Every time you complete something—even something small—you feel more personal value and self-respect. You enjoy more energy and confidence.
Even when life gets bad, like a loss or setback, you recover faster if you get busy.
Example: Tom Gets Busy
Tom loses his job and feels miserable. For weeks, he lays on the couch, scrolling through his phone, doing nothing. Each day, he gets a little worse. He is bored, restless and hopeless.
One afternoon, Tom stumbles across this tip: “Keep busy, stay happy.” It sounds too simple, but he has nothing to lose.
He gets off his couch and sees the broken fence in his backyard. “I guess I can just start there.” He spends the afternoon fixing it. When he finishes, he is surprised—he actually feel much better. Not just because the fence is fixed, but because he has done something.
The next day, Tom cleans out the garage. Then he gets groceries for an elderly neighbor. Each small project gives him more energy and lifts his spirits.
Tom soon feels confident again. He updates his résumé and starts applying for jobs. Before long, he lands a great position at a company, even better than his last job.
Learn More: “16. Be Industrious”
2. Stop and Look
When you get stuck in a stressful situation, a difficult decision or relationship problem, your emotions and negative thoughts can cloud your view.
You can get stuck in your head, spinning around the same ideas. You give too much weight to the opinions of others. The problem does not solve.
Instead, stop and look.
Ignore what people tell you. Forget what you used to think. Drop all of your ideas, worries, and emotions—even for a moment.
Just look at what’s really there.
Why does this help you solve problems?
You are smarter than you think. When you give yourself a chance to see something just as it is, the solution comes to you.
Sometimes you see the answer immediately, sometimes it takes a few attempts. But by looking at the problem just as it is, in present time, you eventually say, “Oh! I know what to do!”
Anytime something stresses you out, solve it by pausing (mentally or physically), and just look.
Example: Lisa Does Not Get Angry
Lisa is upset with her sister, Dorothy. Every time they talk about their mother, Dorothy sounds distant and short-tempered. Lisa thinks, “Why is she so rude to me?”
Lisa feels hurt and about to snap back. But then she remembers this tip. Instead of reacting, she pauses and observes the situation. She instantly realizes what to do.
During their next conversation, Lisa sets aside her frustration and simply listens to her sister. She notices Dorothy’s choppy sentences, her slow responses and her bad mood.
Lisa gently asks, “Is everything okay?”
Dorothy sighs, admits she has a big headache and having a rough week at work.
Lisa realizes her sister isn’t upset with her at all—she’s just overwhelmed by life. She asks questions and listens until Dorothy feels better.
By stopping, looking and observing, without reacting, Lisa and Dorothy have a cheerful conversation and make plans to help their mother.
Learn more “17-1. Look.”
3. Keep Learning
Have you ever noticed how good it feels to learn an interesting fact, a small skill or a wonderful new lesson.
Learning gives you a boost!
Why does this make you happier?
Your bank of knowledge has no limit. There’s always something new to discover, explore or improve.
If you think you know it all, you lose this joy and feel miserable.
In fact, studies show that retired people live longer and stay sharper when they continue learning every day—right up to the last days of their lives.
Constantly learn new things. Take a course, read a book, watch a documentary or however you like to learn new knowledge.
Example: Emma Learns to Paint
Emma retires after working for 40 years. At first, she enjoys the free time, but after a few months, she feels restless. Her days feel empty, and she misses the sense of purpose she used to have.
One morning, Emma comes across this tip, “Keep learning.” She thinks about it and realizes she hasn’t learned anything new in a long time.
She finds a local community center and looks at their classes. She’s never painted before, but the idea of learning something new sparks her interest.
Emma signs up.
At first, her paintings are simple and messy. But she keeps learning and practicing, learning and practicing. She watches videos and talks to a few local artists. Every day, she learns something new.
Slowly, her skills improve. Her blank canvases turn into colorful landscapes and bright flowers. Friends and family compliment her work. She gives her paintings as gifts.
Emma feels energized and happy again.
She then thinks, “What else can I learn?”
Learn More “17-2. Learn.”